I Can't Place a bet and get a Message That I Currently Have an Active Session at Another Provider

According to the regulations of the gambling supervisory authorities, you can only actively bet with one provider at a time.

If you receive this message, when trying to place your bet, it means you are also registered as active at another operator.

In order for you to become "active" at Betano and thus be able to place bets, the other provider has to specifically release you, i.e. set your profile as inactive.

After you have been released by the other provider, it takes 5 minutes for your session to be activated at Betano.

Please note that it is not enough to close the page of the other provider, you need to log out of the other account, on your browser and app. It often helps to temporarily uninstall the app from the other provider and delete the cookies from the browser. Under certain circumstances, clearing the cache of the other betting provider's app can also lead to success.

Further information on this topic can be found on the FAQ page of the state gaming supervisory authority GGL under point 13.

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