How do I verify my account?

You can verify your account via the Sofort Ident or ID Now process.

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Sofort Ident
A German bank account under your name with online banking will be necessary
▪️ Shared accounts where you are the co-holder cannot be used for this verification

▪️ These are the steps you will follow:
1. Log in to your Betano account
2. Click under Overview on the Verification Process
3. Select Sofort Ident Verification
4. Enter the name of the bank or the bank code
5. Fill in your online banking data
6. Depending on your bank, you may be receiving a TAN for data confirmation
7. The data are now compared. If everything is correct, your Betano account verification has been completed!

▪️ You will have to upload a photo of your identification document and complete a liveness check
▪️ Acceptable identification documents - Any identity card (both sides)/ Any Passport/ Permit of Stay issued in Germany (both sides)
▪️ Note the Ident ID given to you, before you are redirected to the process itself/ ID Now App
▪️ To ensure that your documents meet the requirements they must be clear and captured with all four corners visible

▪️ These are the steps you will follow:
1. Log in to your Betano account
2. Click under Overview on the Verification Process
3. Select IDnow Verification
4. Follow the on-screen prompts to scan your ID/Password with your smartphone and upload your ID file
5. Take a selfie to get verified through biometric identification
6. The data are now compared. If everything is correct, your Betano account verification has been completed within minutes!

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